Following consultation of our website, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed. This information is provided pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR) and Legislative Decree 193/2006 as amended by Legislative Decree 108/2018 and applies to the processing of personal data that we collect or that the user sends when visiting the website This information is drafted in the Italian language. In the event of any conflict in interpretation with the English language version, the interpretation in the Italian language shall prevail.


The Data Controller of the data you provide is the company Arezzo Astucci S.r.l.s. (P.IVA: 02307540514) with registered office in Marciano della Chiana (AR) Località Cesa in Val di Chiana, Via Cassia n. 135/L – 52047- , Tel. and Fax: +39 0575 842447, e-mail: Pec:


Navigation data

The computer systems and procedures that allow the Site to function acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated with individual data subjects, but by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow them to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers and terminals used by users who connect to the Site, the URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) notation addresses of the resources requested, the time of access, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment. These data of a technical/informational data, necessary for the use of web services, are processed exclusively in an aggregate and anonymous manner for information of a statistical type and to check the correct functioning of the Site and will be retained for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed, without prejudice to the the need to store them for a further period to fulfil any legal obligations/authority orders or for any legal defence.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The user is not required to provide any personal data in order to consult the site.

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on our site entails the acquisition of the sender’s address, which is necessary in order to reply to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message. This data will be used solely for the purpose of responding to the user’s request and may be communicated to third parties only if necessary for this purpose.

Your consent is not required for the processing of data for this purpose, as the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures taken at your request as well as, where applicable, to comply with a legal obligation (Art. 6, para. 1, lett. b and lett. a of the Regulation). The data will be processed using instruments that are suitable for protecting the confidentiality and security of your data in compliance with the Privacy regulations in force and will be stored for the time strictly necessary to provide you with the requested service and deleted immediately afterwards, without prejudice to any further storage obligations provided for by law.

Should you decide to provide us with Data from third parties, please ensure that these parties have been previously and adequately informed about the processing methods and purposes indicated herein. In relation to this hypothesis, you act as autonomous data controller, assuming all the obligations and responsibilities provided for by law.

We would also like to remind you that if you are under 18 years of age, you may not provide us with any personal data, and, in any case, we accept no liability for any false statements you may provide. Should we become aware of the existence of untrue declarations, we will proceed with the immediate deletion of any personal data acquired.


This site uses cookies and similar technologies to collect data. In order to manage, give or revoke your consent to the use of cookies, we invite you to read our Cookie Policy accessible from the footer of the site, to be considered an integral part of this policy.


The data will be processed using manual, computerised and automated systems for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected in accordance with the purposes specified in the paragraph “Types of data processed” of this policy.

The Data Controller takes appropriate security measures to prevent the loss of data, unlawful or incorrect use thereof, as well as measures to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, modification or destruction of personal data.

The data are processed only by personnel authorised to process them and may be communicated to third parties qualified as external data processors exclusively for activities connected with the purposes envisaged and specified in the information notices on the site. The processing of data connected to the web services of our site is handled only by external data processors who perform occasional maintenance operations. Personal data will be processed in Italy and in any case within the European Union.


It is your right to withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your prior consent (Art 7(3) GDPR).

In addition, in relation to the processing described in this Information Notice, you may, under the conditions provided for by the GDPR, exercise the further rights enshrined in Articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR, including: a) the right to be informed of the purposes and methods of processing; b) access; c) updating and rectification; d) erasure, anonymisation or blocking; e) objection to processing, including objection to automated decision-making processes, including profiling; f) revocation of consent; g) portability; h) restriction of processing.

The exercise of your rights as data subject is free of charge. However, in the case of requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive, also due to their repetitiveness, the Data Controller may charge you a reasonable expense contribution, in light of the administrative costs incurred in handling your request, or deny satisfaction of your request (Art. 12 GDPR).


Where personal data are processed in the public interest, in the exercise of public authority vested in the Controller or in pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Controller, users have the right to object, at any time, to the processing of the data on grounds relating to their particular situation.

If the data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject may object, at any time, to the processing without providing any reasons (Right to object Art. 21 GDPR)


Users who believe that the processing of their personal data, carried out through this website, is in breach of the provisions of the GDPR have the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, as provided for in Art. 77 of the GDPR, or to take legal action in accordance with Art. 79 of the GDPR.


To exercise your rights, you may address a written request to the Controller’s contact details indicated in paragraph 1 of this document. Requests are filed free of charge and processed by the Controller as soon as possible, in any case within one month.


The possible entry into force of new sector regulations, as well as the constant review and updating of user services, may entail the need to change the way in which we process users’ personal data. It is therefore possible that our privacy policy may change over time, and we invite visitors to periodically consult this page.

Update date 01/08/2024